Joys and Hopes for All
63rd Annual SWLC Study Week
February 5-8, 2025
Victoria, Texas
at Holy Family Catholic Church (Main Venue)
This year’s Study Week theme is inspired by Gaudium et Spes, the Second Vatican Council’s “Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World,” which was promulgated 60 years ago. In it, the Church is called to have “reverence” for every person “without exception” and to see every neighbor as “another self” (GS 27). Each keynote and workshop presentation looks to explore how these urgent principles of the Council 60 years ago are incorporated today in the way we celebrate liturgy, catechize the faithful, initiate Christians, build and adorn our worship spaces, and serve the People of God.
More than 45 workshops that will explore topics such as the inclusion of people of all abilities in liturgies, the revised Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, liturgical art and architecture, catechesis, and more!